Lawn fertilization is an inevitable part of any residential lawn care plan. If you want your lawn to be green, healthy, and vibrant, you need to provide them the right nutrition throughout the whole year. It tends to be a time-consuming and tedious task for non-professionals.
That's why you should consider hiring a company like Brookfield Lawn Care Company to handle it for you.
We are lawn experts and know what type of fertilization your lawn needs, what product to apply, how much to apply, and how often to apply it, etc.
Regular lawn fertilization has plenty of benefits, and a healthy-look is just one of them. Here's a few other great benefits of proper fertilization of your yard.
We'll come to you and show you exactly how valuable our lawn services can be!
Our lawn care with fertilization contains many benefits including the following:
ENRICHED FERTILIZERS - To be able to grow, your lawn needs nutrients like potassium and phosphorous. Companies use fertilizers rich in these and many other nutrients that ensure healthy growth.
SLOW RELEASE FERTILIZATION - You want your lawn to stay nutrient-dense long after the fertilization process. Slow-release nutrients used by lawn fertilization companies ensures exactly that.
ORGANIC FERTILIZERS - If you want the results to last longer, you should consider using organic fertilizers that many lawn fertilization companies offer. They cost more than synthetic fertilizers, but they are also better for overall soil health.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAM - Yes in Brookfield, this term actually means April through October as we have winter snow that makes lawn care impossible. But during those months of service, we do weekly or bi-weekly treatments of your grass with are specially prepared fertilizer mixture that will help improve the grass performance. This is in combination with lawn mowing usually.